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Browsing by Author ". Rachchh, Kashyap G"

Browsing by Author ". Rachchh, Kashyap G"

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  • . Rachchh, Kashyap G; Soneji, Asfak A.; Ghanchi, Sajeed I. (Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR), 2020)
    Recently, We defined Kasaj-topological space and weak open sets namely Kasaj-pre-open sets, Kasaj-semi-open sets, Kasaj-alpha-open sets, Kasaj-beta-open sets in Kasaj topological spaces and analyzed their basic properties. ...
  • . Rachchh, Kashyap G; Ghanchi, Sajeed I.; Soneji, Asfak A. (Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, 2020)
    Abstract : Recently, We defined Kasaj-topological space and weak open sets namely Kasaj-pre-open sets, Kasaj-semi-open sets, Kasaj-alpha-open sets, Kasaj-beta-open sets in Kasaj topological spaces and analyzed their basic ...