Pathology is the study of diagnosis of disease or injury. It involves wide intellinked
spectrum of bioscience. There are two major division in pathology and several sub
1. Anatomical pathology : it involves study of tissues. Organ and even the whole
body. It involves chemical , microscopic and macroscopic evaluation of tissue ,
organ and even the whole body to identify and treat the disease .it is further
deivided into several sub division .the major one being.
2. Cytology : study of cells to diagnose a disease . usually helps in diagnosis of
3. Surgical pathology : it is the analysis of tissue or organ removed surgically from a
patient it is used to diagnose disease such as cancer, lipoma, cryst, infection of
microbes and etc.
4. Forensic pathology : it is the analysis of a cadaver to estimate the precise time
and cause of death. It is used to check if the person was under the influence of any
drugs or even if the cause of death as overdosing of drugs.
5. Clinical pathology : is a field of study through which we diagnose and anaiyze
disease and disorders using tissues of our body and fluids produced by human
body. It requires knowledge in many field like biochemistry ,microbiology ,
hematology and etc.
It is a very crucial in the medical field as it is most often the primary step in
treating a patient . as it gives information an identification of the disease the
patient is suffering from take the necessary protocol to treat him efficiently.