Financial planning is becoming increasingly important for an individual's financial well-being. While the importance of financial planning is widely recognised, the importance of financial literacy remains underappreciated, particularly among women. Also, the level of financial literacy among Indian women has not been well documented. As a result, a thorough understanding of the issue of financial literacy among women in India is required. This paper represents an attempt in that approach. Although it is essential that women be given equal ability to make financial decisions as men, many Indian women face financial, psychological, cultural, and physical impediments that prevent them from becoming financially independent. The purpose of this report is to identify the financial knowledge, financial behaviour, and financial attitude of working women in Rajkot city. The current study is being undertaken in Rajkot, and it has been determined to explore the financial literacy of working women. A sample of 65 working women was taken in order to achieve the study's goal. In this study, the researcher used the Mann-Whitney U-test to test the hypotheses.