The upward thrust of financial technology has spurred huge studies
into integrating information technology within the economic quarter. While
efforts focused on effective implementation strategies, scant interest became
paid to the pivotal factors using financial technology carrier popularity and
acceptance. This Research Paper introduces a better TAM Model, encompassing
consumer INN-innovativeness, G authorities guide, BI logo photograph, and
PR - perceived threat, all influencing Trust accepted as true. The middle
objective is to scrutinize client acceptance of financial technology offerings.
We performed a survey amongst lively clients of Commercial Banks, garnering
387 valid responses. Employing an SEM, we analysed information to discover
relationships between variables and proposed hypotheses. Results unveiled that
consumer trust considerably influences financial technology acceptance
attitudes. Surprisingly, PEU and PR showed no substantial influence on patron
attitudes. Our look enriches financial technology acceptance literature by way
of delving into the determinants of purchaser attitudes, integrating
considerations inside TAM.