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Browsing 02. Faculty of Science by Issue Date

Browsing 02. Faculty of Science by Issue Date

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  • S. K., Vaidya; Ajani, P. D. (Malaya Journal of Matematik, 219)
    For a graph G = (V, E), a set S ⊆ V is a restrained dominating set if every vertex not in S is adjacent to a vertex in S and also to a vertex in V − S. The minimum cardinality of a restrained dominating set of G is called ...
  • Waghela, B. N.,; Pandit, R. J; Shah, F.D.; Patel, F. D.; Vora, S.; Joshi, M. N. (Elsevier B.V., 223)
    Breast and ovarian cancers are the most common cancer types in females worldwide and in India. Patients with these cancers require an early diagnosis which is essential for better prognosis, treatment and improved patient ...
  • Vaidya, S.; Vyas, N. (International Journal of Contemporary Advanced Mathematics (IJCM), 2011)
    Let G be a bipartite graph with a partite sets V1 and V2 and G′ be the copy of G with corresponding partite sets V1 ′ and V2 ′ . The mirror graph M(G) of G is obtained from G and G′ by joining each vertex of V1 ...
  • Vaidya, S.; Vyas, N. (Journal of Mathematics Research, 2011-08)
    For the graph G1 and G2 the tensor product is denoted by G1(Tp)G2 which is the graph with vertex set V(G1(Tp)G2) = V(G1) × V(G2) and edge set E(G1(Tp)G2) = {(u1, v1), (u2, v2)/u1u2 E(G1) and v1v2 E(G2)}. The graph Pm(Tp)Pn ...
  • Vaidya, S.; Vyas, N. (Studies in Mathematical Sciences, CSCanada, 2011-11)
    We investigate E-cordial labeling for some cartesian product of graphs. We prove that the graphs Kn × P2 and Pn × P2 are E-cordial for n even while Wn × P2 and K1,n × P2 are E-cordial for n odd.
  • Vaid, S.; Vyas, N. (International Journal of Mathematics and Scientific Computing, 2012)
    A binary vertex labeling f : E(G) → {0, 1} with induced labeling f ∗ : V (G) → {0, 1} defined by f ∗ P (v) = {f(uv) | uv ∈ E(G)}(mod 2) is called E-cordial labeling of a graph G if the number of vertices labeled 0 ...
  • Vaidya, S.; Vyas, N. (Annals of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 2012)
    A graph with q edges is called antimagic if its edges can be labeled with 1, 2,…,q such that the sums of the labels of the edges incident to each vertex are distinct. Here we prove that the graphs obtained by switching ...
  • Vaidya, S.; Vyas, N. (International Journal of Advanced Computer and Mathematical Sciences, 2012)
    Let G=(V(G),E(G)) be a graph and f E G : ( ) {0,1} → be a binary edge labeling. Define * f V G : ( ) {0,1} → by * ( ) ( ) ( )( 2) uv E G f v f uv mod ∈ = ∑ . The function f is called E-cordial labeling of G if | ...
  • Kaneria, Vaishali V.; Jani, N.N.; Mehta, Richa.; Kamani, Gautam. (International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology, 2012-10-01)
    In the existing health system various systems of medicine are available. Here a special EHR has been prepared to integrate multiple SOM. By applying some data mining technique result can be derived intelligently from the ...
  • Vaidya, S.; Vyas, N. (Annals of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 2013)
    An edge labeling of a graph is a bijection from E(G) to the set {1,2,… , |E(G)|}. If for any two distinct vertices u and v, the sum of labels on the edges incident to u is different from the sum of labels on the edges ...
  • Vaidya, S.; Vyas, N. (International Journal of Graph Theory(IJOGT), 2013-08)
    An even mean labeling is a variant of mean labeling. Here we investigate even mean labeling for path and bistar related graphs.
  • Vaidya, S.; vyas, N. (International Journal of Graph Theory(IJOGT), 2013-12)
    A function f: V(G) →{2,4, …, 2|E(G)|} is called an even mean labeling of graph G if it is injective and when each edge e=uv is labeled with average sum of f(u) and f(v) then the resulting edge labels are distinct. Here ...
  • Vaidya, S.; Vyas, N. (AMO - Advanced Modeling and Optimization, 2014)
    For the graph G = (V (G), E(G)), a function f : V (G) → {0, 1} is called a product cordial labeling of G if the induced edge labeling function defined by the product of end vertex labels be such that the edges with label ...
  • Vaidya, S.; Vyas, N. (Malaya Journal of Matematic (MJM) - An International Journal of mathematical science with computer applications, 2014)
    The product cordial labeling is a variant of cordial labeling. Here we investigate product cordial labeling for alternate triangular snake and alternate quadrilateral snake graphs
  • Parsania, Vaishali S.; Jani, N.N.; Bhalodiya, Navneet H. (International Journal of Darshan Institute on Engineering Research & Emerging Technologies, 2014-06-01)
    This research paper intends to provide comparative analysis of Data Mining classification algorithms. Some benchmarking classification algorithms like Naïve Bayes, Bayesian Network, JRip, OneR and PART are selected based ...
  • Kamani, Gautam J.; Ghodasara, Y.R.; Parsania, Vaishali S. (International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, 2014-12-01)
    Frequent itemset mining from a large transactional database is a very time consuming process. A famous frequent pattern mining algorithm is Apriori. Apriori algorithm generates a frequent itemsets in loop manner, one ...
  • Parsania, Vaishali S.; Kamani, Krunal.; Kamani, Gautam J. (International Journal of Engineering Research and General Science, 2015-02-01)
    Data mining techniques are applied usually to uncover concealed knowledge from massive data stacked up in databases. One of the potential fields of Data mining application is healthcare systems in which the increasingly ...
  • Kamani, Krunal.; Parsaniya, Vaishali S. (Global Research and Development Journal for Engineering, 2016-11-01)
    Milk which is considered like nectar in our scriptures is now being adulterated with chemicals, has residues of antibiotics, hormones and pesticides as well as a wide range of microorganisms, including pathogens, in numbers ...
  • Lunagariya, Miral V; Thakor, Khyati P; Waghela, Bhargav N; Vaidya, Foram U; Patel, Chadramani Pathak & Mohan N (2016-12-07)
    The square planar Pt(II) complexes of the type [Pt(Ln)(Cl2)] (where Ln = L1-3 = thiophene-2- carboxamide derivatives and L4-6 = thiophene-2-carbothioamide derivatives) have been synthesized and characterized by physicochemical ...
  • Vaidya, S.K.; Parmar, A.D. (International Journal of Mathematics and Soft Computing, 2017)
    If G is a graph with vertex set V (G) then dominating set D⊆ V (G) is called total if every vertex of V (G) is adjacent to at least one vertex of D while it is called equitable if for every vertex u in V (G)− D there exists ...

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