02. Faculty of Science: Recent submissions

  • Vaidya, S.K.; Parmar, A.D. (Malaya Journal of Matematik, 2018)
    A dominating set D of a graph G is called total if every vertex of V (G) is adjacent to at least one vertex of D, equivalently if N (D)= V (G) then D is called total dominating set. A dominating set D is called total ...
  • Vaidya, S.K.; Parmar, A.D. (Journal of Scientific Research, 2018)
    If for any total dominating set D with ν ∈ V (G) − D there exists a vertex u ∈ D such that uν ∈ E (G) and |d(ν)−d(u)| ≤ 1 then D is called the total equitable dominating set. The minimum cardinality of the total equitable ...
  • Vaidya, S.K.; Parmar, A.D. (Journal of Applied Science and Computations, 2019-05)
    A subset S of vertices of G is an open packing of G if the open neighborhoods of the vertices of S are pairwise disjoint in G while open packing number of G is the maximum cardinality among all the open packing sets of ...
  • Vaidya, S.K.; Parmar, A.D. (Malaya Journal of Matematik, 2019)
    A proper k - coloring of a graph G is a function f : V(G) → {1,2,..., k} such that f(u) 6= f(v) for all uv ∈ E(G). The color class Si is the subset of vertices of G that is assigned to color i. The chromatic number χ(G) ...
  • Vaidya, S.K.; Parmar, A.D. (International Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Engineering Applications, 2019-06)
    A vertex dominating set D of V (G) is called a chromatic transversal dominating set of G if D intersects every color class of G. The minimum cardinality of D is called a chromatic transversal domination number of G. In ...
  • Vaidya, S.K.; Jadeja, M.R. (Malaya Journal of Matematik, 2020)
    The zero divisor graph Γ(R) of a commutative ring R is a graph whose vertices are non-zero zero divisors of R and two vertices are adjacent if their product is zero. The characteristic polynomial of matrix M is defined ...
  • Rachchh, Kashyap G.; Ghanchi, Sajeed I. (Malaya Journal of Matematik, 2020-10)
    In year 2013, L. Thivagar et al. introduced nano topological space and he analysed some properties of weak open sets. In this paper we shall introduce Kasaj-topological space. We shall introduce some new classes of weak ...
  • Rachchh, Kashyap G.; Soneji, Asfak A.; Ghanchi, Sajeed I. (Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, 2020-12)
    Recently, We defined Kasaj-topological space and weak open sets namely Kasaj-pre-open sets, Kasaj-semi-open sets, Kasaj-alpha-open sets, Kasaj-beta-open sets in Kasaj topological spaces and analyzed their basic properties. ...
  • Rachchh, Kashyap G.; Soneji, Asfak A.; Ghanchi, Sajeed I. (Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, 2020-12)
    We introduced Kasaj topological spaces which is a partial extension of Micro topological space which is introduced by S. Chandrasekar. We also analyzed basic properties of some weak open sets in Kasaj topological spaces. ...
  • Kamani, Gautam J.; Ghodasara, Y.R.; Parsania, Vaishali S. (International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, 2014-12-01)
    Frequent itemset mining from a large transactional database is a very time consuming process. A famous frequent pattern mining algorithm is Apriori. Apriori algorithm generates a frequent itemsets in loop manner, one ...
  • Kamani, Krunal.; Parsaniya, Vaishali S. (Global Research and Development Journal for Engineering, 2016-11-01)
    Milk which is considered like nectar in our scriptures is now being adulterated with chemicals, has residues of antibiotics, hormones and pesticides as well as a wide range of microorganisms, including pathogens, in numbers ...
  • Parsania, Vaishali S.; Kamani, Krunal.; Kamani, Gautam J. (International Journal of Engineering Research and General Science, 2015-02-01)
    Data mining techniques are applied usually to uncover concealed knowledge from massive data stacked up in databases. One of the potential fields of Data mining application is healthcare systems in which the increasingly ...
  • Kaneria, Vaishali V.; Jani, N.N.; Mehta, Richa.; Kamani, Gautam. (International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology, 2012-10-01)
    In the existing health system various systems of medicine are available. Here a special EHR has been prepared to integrate multiple SOM. By applying some data mining technique result can be derived intelligently from the ...
  • Parsania, Vaishali S.; Jani, N.N.; Bhalodiya, Navneet H. (International Journal of Darshan Institute on Engineering Research & Emerging Technologies, 2014-06-01)
    This research paper intends to provide comparative analysis of Data Mining classification algorithms. Some benchmarking classification algorithms like Naïve Bayes, Bayesian Network, JRip, OneR and PART are selected based ...

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