01. Journal Articles: Recent submissions

  • Vaidya, S.K.; Parmar, A.D. (Malaya Journal of Matematik, 2019)
    A proper k - coloring of a graph G is a function f : V(G) → {1,2,..., k} such that f(u) 6= f(v) for all uv ∈ E(G). The color class Si is the subset of vertices of G that is assigned to color i. The chromatic number χ(G) ...
  • Vaidya, S.K.; Parmar, A.D. (International Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Engineering Applications, 2019-06)
    A vertex dominating set D of V (G) is called a chromatic transversal dominating set of G if D intersects every color class of G. The minimum cardinality of D is called a chromatic transversal domination number of G. In ...
  • Vaidya, S.K.; Jadeja, M.R. (Malaya Journal of Matematik, 2020)
    The zero divisor graph Γ(R) of a commutative ring R is a graph whose vertices are non-zero zero divisors of R and two vertices are adjacent if their product is zero. The characteristic polynomial of matrix M is defined ...
  • Rachchh, Kashyap G.; Ghanchi, Sajeed I. (Malaya Journal of Matematik, 2020-10)
    In year 2013, L. Thivagar et al. introduced nano topological space and he analysed some properties of weak open sets. In this paper we shall introduce Kasaj-topological space. We shall introduce some new classes of weak ...
  • Rachchh, Kashyap G.; Soneji, Asfak A.; Ghanchi, Sajeed I. (Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, 2020-12)
    Recently, We defined Kasaj-topological space and weak open sets namely Kasaj-pre-open sets, Kasaj-semi-open sets, Kasaj-alpha-open sets, Kasaj-beta-open sets in Kasaj topological spaces and analyzed their basic properties. ...
  • Rachchh, Kashyap G.; Soneji, Asfak A.; Ghanchi, Sajeed I. (Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, 2020-12)
    We introduced Kasaj topological spaces which is a partial extension of Micro topological space which is introduced by S. Chandrasekar. We also analyzed basic properties of some weak open sets in Kasaj topological spaces. ...

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